
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Interior of Pantheon,Rome,Italy 118-125 CE

  • The Pantheon is unique in Rome in the world as a building which has been in use for nearly 1800 years and still retains its old walls and vaulting.
  • The bronze doors, though much restored, are originals.The doorway is 40 feet high and 20 feet wide, and the old bronze doors, the oldest and finest in Rome, are 26 feet 6 inches high, a bronze lattice filling the rest of the space.
  • The interior is remarkable. All the light enters from the round hole in the dome which is about 28 feet in diameter. Yet this light is ample and, what is more important, it is perfectly evenly distributed. No lighting ever devised gave so fine an effect.


  • The interior of the Pantheon is absolutely beautiful. The side chapels are adorned with alternate curved and triangular pediments.With no windows in the very thick walls, the 27 foot round hole, or oculus, in the roof of the Pantheon provides the only light source.
  • The rotunda is splendidly preserved; the interior has all the appearance of the original paneling of marble. It measures 145 feet in diameter internally, but the walls are 20 feet thick to support the great dome that rises to a, height of 140 feet.
  • Around the rotunda are seven niches alternately rectangular and semi-circular, and fronted by Corinthian columns.

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