
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

THUTMOSE,Nefertiti,Egypt,1353-1335 B.C

  • Nefertiti exhibits a similar expression of entranced musing and an almost mannered sensitivity and delicacy of curving contour.
  • It is painted limestone,approx;1'8" high. The left eye of socket still lacks the inlaid eye ball.
  • With this bust ,Thutmose may have been alluding to a heavy flower on its slender stalk by exaggerating the weight of the crowned head and the length of the almost serpentine neck.
  • Nefertiti means "The Beautiful One Is Here ".Readers might think of those modern descendants of Nefertiti,model in fashion magazines,with their gaunt,swaying frames;mask like faces;and enormous shadowed eyes.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Great Pyramids,Gizeh,Egypt

  • At Gizeh near modern Cairo but on west side of the river, stand the three pyramids of Fourth Dynasty pharaohs Khufu(2551-2528B.C), Khafre(2520-2494 B.C), and Menkaure(2490-2472B.C).

Khufu Pyramid, Giza, Egypt

  • The largest pyramid in the world is Khufu' (Khufu), built almost 4,600 years ago. It's made up of 2,300,000 blocks, with the average weight of 2.5 tons. Some stones weigh up to 15 tons. It was originally 146.5 metres high, and 230 metres along the base.

Interior of Hagia Sophia,constantinople(Istanbul),Turkey,532-537

  • Hagia Sophia, the main church of the Byzantine Empire. It is one of the most important early Byzantine buildings in Istanbul,Turkey.Later Church was converted into a mosque during the Ottoman Empire.
  • It is a central plan church,activities start from center with semicircular base.Daylight is flooding the church through 91 windows, illuminating the beauty of the interior, which is adorned with marble tiles, elaborate, colourful mosaics and pictures, created from ceramics, precious and semiprecious stones, gold.
  • The structure of the interior and the play of light convey the impression of weightlessness, which certainly contributed to the churches legendary fame.Massive dome of Hagia Sophia measures 31 meters wide and 56 meters high.

Interior of Pantheon,Rome,Italy 118-125 CE

  • The Pantheon is unique in Rome in the world as a building which has been in use for nearly 1800 years and still retains its old walls and vaulting.
  • The bronze doors, though much restored, are originals.The doorway is 40 feet high and 20 feet wide, and the old bronze doors, the oldest and finest in Rome, are 26 feet 6 inches high, a bronze lattice filling the rest of the space.
  • The interior is remarkable. All the light enters from the round hole in the dome which is about 28 feet in diameter. Yet this light is ample and, what is more important, it is perfectly evenly distributed. No lighting ever devised gave so fine an effect.


  • The interior of the Pantheon is absolutely beautiful. The side chapels are adorned with alternate curved and triangular pediments.With no windows in the very thick walls, the 27 foot round hole, or oculus, in the roof of the Pantheon provides the only light source.
  • The rotunda is splendidly preserved; the interior has all the appearance of the original paneling of marble. It measures 145 feet in diameter internally, but the walls are 20 feet thick to support the great dome that rises to a, height of 140 feet.
  • Around the rotunda are seven niches alternately rectangular and semi-circular, and fronted by Corinthian columns.

PHIDIAS,Athena parthenos,in the cella of the Parthenon,Athens,Greece,438 BCE.

  • Phidias's statue is truly famous,beautiful and elegant. This Model gives a good idea of its apperance and setting. It was a chryselephantine statue,that is,fashioned if gold and ivoy.
  • It stood 38feet tall, and to a large extend the parthenon was designed around it.
  • Athena was fully armed with shield, spear, and helmet and she held Nike in her extended right hand.

IKTINOS and KHALLIKRATES,PARTHENON,the temple of Athena Parthenos

  • The Parthenon is a temple of the Doric order with eight columns at the façade, and seventeen columns at the flanks, conforming to the established ratio of 9:4. This ratio governed the vertical and horizontal proportions of the temple as well as many other relationships of the building like the spacing between the columns and their height.

  • The cella was unusually large to accommodate the oversized statue of Athena, confining the front and back porch to a much smaller than usual size. A line of six Doric columns supported the front and back porch, while a colonnade of 23 smaller Doric columns surrounded the statue in a two-storied arrangement.
  • The introduction of elements of the Ionic order in a predominately Doric temple was more dramatic in the development of a continuous freeze on the exterior wall of the cella. While the integration of Doric and Ionic elements on the same temple was not a new development in Greek architecture, it was rare, and bestowed on the Parthenon a delicate balance between austere and delicate visual characteristics.